Fentanyl is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous and challenging drug-related threats to communities and law enforcement officials across the United States. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate used as a surgical anesthetic or as a narcotic to treat chronic and severe pain. It is most commonly used in cancer patients. However, over the last couple of years Fentanyl has been blamed for the death of thousands of Americans. It is characterized by the CDC as an “incapacitating agent,” and provides a substantial risk to law enforcement. Fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin, whether through accidental contact or inhalation of airborne powder. An amount the size of a few grains of salt can be enough to potentially kill a 250lb man. Many law enforcement officers are not aware of these risks and the results can be deadly.
Day one of this program will focus on breaking down Fentanyl as well as the latest trends in packaging and distribution. An emphasis will be placed on how to protect officers from accidental exposure and possible overdose. From the onset of an overdose, an officer can die in less than 3 minutes. During this class, officers will learn how to recognize the symptoms and respond to an officer overdose. In addition, participants will learn how to collect, process, and preserve Fentanyl evidence while minimizing an exposure. Day two will focus on investigative techniques involving Fentanyl cases. Best practices for undercover operations and/or controlled buys will be discussed in detail. Proactive overdose investigations will also be covered.
Why Fentanyl?
Risks to Law Enforcement
Recognition and Awareness
Symptoms of Exposure
Response to Accidental Exposure
Overdose Death Investigations
Preserving Evidence on Patrol and During UC Operations
Packaging and Distribution Methods
Undercover Operations involving Heroin/Fentanyl
Current Fentanyl Trends and Cutting Agents
Evidence Handling and Safety Precautions
Sergeant Paul Gifford, Lead Instructor